Real Estate Continuing Education

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*All of our courses are approved by the California Department of Real Estate, as offered through correspondence study under Golden Hyde Real Estate Center (DRE Sponsor # 3551)*

Real Estate Salespersons Continuing Education Requirements

  • Licenses are issued for a four-year period and should be renewed prior to the expiration date listed on the license.
  • Real estate salespersons must complete 45 clock hours of DRE-approved continuing education consisting of:
    • Seven separate three-hour courses in the following subjects: Ethics, Agency, Trust Fund Handling, Fair Housing (with an interactive participatory component), Risk Management, Management and Supervision and Implicit Bias Training; and
    • A minimum of 18 clock hours of consumer protection courses; and
    • The remaining clock hours required to complete the 45 hours of continuing education may be related to either consumer service or consumer protection courses.

Real Estate Brokers Continuing Education Requirements

  • Licenses are issued for a four-year period and should be renewed prior to the expiration date listed on the license.
  • Real estate brokers must complete 45 clock hours of DRE-approved continuing education consisting of:
    • Seven separate three-hour courses in the following subjects: Ethics, Agency, Trust Fund Handling, Fair Housing (with an interactive participatory componenet), Risk Management, and Management and Supervision, and Implicit Bias Training; and
    • A minimum of 18 clock hours of consumer protection courses; and
    • The remaining clock hours required to complete the 45 hours of continuing education may be related to either consumer service or consumer protection courses.

Our Correspondence CE Program

Agency Relationships in California Real Estate (3 Hours Agency)

Real Estate Ethics (3 Hours Ethics)

Fair Housing (3 Hours Fair Housing)

California Real Estate Trust Fund Accounting (3 Hours Trust Fund Handling)

Risk Management (3 Hours Risk Management)

Management and Supervision (3 Hours Management & Supervision)

Implicit Bias Training (2 Hours Implicit Bias)

Consumer Protection in Real Estate (15 Hours Consumer Protection)

Principles of Real Estate Investments (15 Hours Consumer Protection)


Each course consists of:

A textbook

Incremental or homework assignments made up of either "true or false" or "multiple choice" questions and/or written responses

*An open-book multiple-choice final examination


How to Enroll in Our Correspondence/Home Study CE Program

  • You can register with us either over the phone or in person.
  • Upon registration, you will be given study materials and quiz assignments, which are completed via correspondence (with a paper and pencil exam at home).
  • Homework assignments must be successfully completed prior to scheduling a final examination date.
  • Finals can be either taken at our school or you may request a monitor/proctor to administer the examination. Please call us for more information on using a proctor.
  • Each course has a separate final exam and you must obtain at least a 70% to successfully complete each exam. If you do not pass the final, you may retake an alternate final exam, at no additional charge.
  • After you pass the final exam, you will receive a certificate of completion which you must keep for your records.
  • Lastly, all you need to do left is pay your renewal fee to the Department of Real Estate!



Real Estate CE Correspondence/Home Study Courses




50 Hours RE CE Package




20 Hours RE CE Package




Agency Relationships in California Real Estate




Real Estate Ethics




Fair Housing




California Real Estate Trust Fund Accounting




Risk Management




Management and Supervision




Implicit Bias Training $20 $20 $40

Consumer Protection in Real Estate




Principles of Real Estate Investments $40 $35 $75

Golden Hyde Real Estate Center

1168 San Gabriel Blvd. #J, Rosemead, CA 91770

 p: 626.571.0751 f: 626.571.0873